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Carrion® - Finally, a cure for common life...

Warning: Until you know how Carrion® will affect you, do not drive, walk, sit, stand, lay down, move, breathe, use your cardiovascular system or blink while taking Carrion®.

Common side effects of Carrion® include severe bloating; loss of bowel function; loss of feeling in the torso, arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers, toes, neck, head, face, nose and mouth; prolonged loss of heart rhythm; blindness accompanied by deafness; blindness or deafness independently; sudden loss of cognitive function; full paralysis (permanent); complete neurological failure, coronary failure, renal failure, digestive failure, lymphatic failure or respiratory failure or any imaginable lethal combination of these or other maladies. If symptoms are allowed to persist, putrefaction often occurs.

Sudden death has been reported while taking Carrion®, along with lingering death; near death; certain death; wishing for death; a pronounced feeling of being at death's door, with or without anomalous visual artifacts; and sometimes acne.

Carrion® should not be taken or handled by women* who are nursing, pregnant, may become pregnant, or are breathing or planning on breathing.

Men* who are currently living or intend to continue living should not take Carrion®.

Children* should not take Carrion®.

Before beginning a Carrion regimen, talk to your Medical Examiner or Coroner and make sure you are dead enough for Carrion.

Finally, a cure for common life - Carrion®

* Physicians: Carrion is contraindicated in all minor children under the age of 18 who are alive.

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